San Diego Rear-End Accident Lawyers

Rear End Accident Lawyer in San Diego

Every day, millions traverse the highways of America. The majority reach their destinations unscathed and without any issues. However, automobile accidents persist as one of the top five reasons for fatalities in the United States, and the primary cause for individuals below 44 years of age. Although rear-end collisions are typically not lethal, they can drastically affect your life. The professionals at San Diego Personal Injury Attorneys are ready to assist you with a highly skilled and experienced car accident attorney today.

Contact us today for a FREE CAR ACCIDENT CONSULTATION with San Diego’s top rated injury attorneys.

What Can Cause a Rear End Accident?

Inattentive drivers cause most rear-end accidents, but other factors also come into play. Drivers who follow another vehicle too closely are another common cause of collisions. When a driver at fault accelerates at a faster rate than the other drivers at an intersection, this can force you to hit the car in front of yours. Finally, adverse weather conditions increase the risk of all kinds of accidents, including collisions from behind, as traction is reduced, and it’s harder for a vehicle to stop quickly on ice or standing water.

What Is a Read End Accident?

Any time one vehicle crashes into the back of another, a rear-end collision has occurred. A rear end accident can happen to your car when you are driving or when your car is parked or stopped at an intersection. For insurance and liability purposes, the car that hits you is considered at fault unless the circumstances of the collision meet one of the recognized exceptions. In situations where there is a three-car collision, for example, the driver that is sandwiched between the other two cars will not be held liable for rear-ending the vehicle in front of their own.

#1 Personal Injury Attorneys In San Diego

What Damages Can Be Sustained From a Rear End Accident?

The most common types of personal injuries sustained from a rear end accident are whiplash and hernias. While these aren’t life-threatening conditions, they can be painful and require long-term physical therapy or surgery to correct. In addition, passengers who are sitting toward the back of a vehicle that is rear-ended have an increased risk of severe injury and, in some cases even death, from being trapped in the crumple zone. Of course, damage to the vehicle is also likely, with bodywork most commonly required for the bumper, trunk and exhaust areas at the back of a car. A San Diego personal injury attorney can assess your case and determine the types of damages you can be compensated for.

What Expenses Can Be Associated With a Rear End Accident?

When you experience a rear-end collision, it’s unlikely that you will walk away without expenses. At the very least, a qualified body mechanic will need to take care of some exterior dents. If you were hit hard, however, you might need to rebuild major systems, replace parts or even write off your car as a total loss. You will also want to seek treatment for personal injuries to yourself and any passengers that were involved in the crash. Depending on how severe the injuries are, there may be ongoing treatment requirements or costly surgery.

What Should You Do If You Experience a Rear End Accident?

The most important thing you can do if you experience a rear end collision is seek professional advice and call a San Diego car accident personal attorney. Navigating the legal and insurance systems to receive proper compensation is frustrating, especially when you’re already dealing with the pain and suffering caused by an accident. A qualified lawyer will advise you on your rights and ensure that you receive the help that you need to get back on the road quickly and safely.

Call us (619) 752-2217 for a free consultation.

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