Contact our Rancho Bernardo personal injury attorney if you believe you are eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit. You may wonder what constitutes a personal injury. A personal injury must occur as a result of negligence on the part of the individual or business that caused your accident. For example, if a driver of another vehicle crashed into your car causing a head injury, you may have a legitimate personal injury claim.
If you have been injured in an accident contact our experienced attorneys today, we will help you fight for just compensation. Schedule your free consultation call us (619) 752-2217 we’re available 24/7!
Negligence is not Necessarily due to a Deliberate Act
If a surgeon accidentally operates on your left hip instead of your right hip, you may have a malpractice lawsuit. In the eyes of the law, accidents are not always legal mistakes. People are expected to conduct their businesses and careers in ways that do not harm the public. Consequently, a person or company is guilty of negligence if an irresponsible act caused your injury regardless of whether the action was deliberate.
Frequency of Personal Injuries in the Rancho Bernardo Area
Residents living in the Rancho Bernardo area experience similar amounts of personal injuries as people residing in any other vicinity. One day, a person slips and falls on another person’s property. On another day, a citizen is bitten by a neighbor’s dog. Every personal injury is an important matter that mandates a serious consultation with our personal injury attorney. Call our legal firm today if you live in the Rancho Bernardo area and need to discuss your case with our accomplished personal injury attorney.
Common Settlements from Personal Injury Cases
Car accidents constitute the most frequent types of personal injuries. Medical malpractice lawsuits are also quite common. Contact our Rancho Bernardo personal injury lawyer now if you believe you have a personal injury claim. An attorney will discuss your rights with you and study the evidence. If you file a claim against the negligent party, your lawyer and the opposing attorney may reach an out-of-court settlement. If they agree to a specified amount of money to compensate you for your injury, you will then reimburse your lawyer for legal representation services.
Tips on Things to do if you are Injured
If you are conscious, take pictures of the crime scene with your cell phone. Of course, taking photos while you are undergoing surgery is virtually impossible. However, you have the option to ask for all medical reports and tests from both your attending physician and the hospital. Bring your medical records and police report to our legal firm for your first free appointment. A lawyer will review the details and then have a better picture of your injury.
Reasons to Contact our Rancho Bernardo Personal Injury Attorney Today
You need to contact our Rancho Bernardo personal injury lawyer now if you think you are the victim of negligence. You may receive a substantial settlement approved by the court. The statute of limitations pertaining to your case will expire within a short time. You must file your claim before the statute of limitations expires. Contact our office now.
Types of cases in Rancho Bernardo:
Our experienced personal injury attorney will aggresively fight for what’s right. You need the best representation, don’t delay call today for more information about your case. Call us 24/7 at (619) 752-2217.
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