Watch Out for These Dangerous Intersections in San Diego San Diego is routinely recognized as one of the nation’s best places to live. With a temperate climate, beautiful scenery, and thriving economy, the city continually attracts new residents looking for a vibrant west coast lifestyle. While San Diego’s infrastructure is fundamentally sound, traffic issues in

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Most Dangerous Intersections in San Diego

The term “distracted driving” is usually associated with texting and mobile phone use, but modern teen drivers encounter a wide variety of high-tech diversions. While many parents discuss the dangers of driving and cell phone use with their teenage children, it’s important to consider the other ways teens are distracted while driving. Here are some

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Distracted Driving Dangers for Teens

A pesar de que en número de personas manejando bajo los influjos del alcohol o drogas a disminuido en el Estado de California, cada año cientos de personas mueren y miles son gravemente heridas por éstos actos criminales. Si usted ha sido víctima de un accidente causado por una persona en estado de ebriedad en

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¿A Sido Herido en un Accidente Causado por una Persona Ebria en Chula Vista?